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Federal diploma

Public Relations Specialist

15 months
On the job
7 October 2024

Federal diploma + CREA Diploma

Public Relations Specialist

In the digital world in which we live, work and build the future, everything is media. Online public relations management, content creation and community activation are some of the fundamental skills that a company, organisation or institution needs to integrate. To enable professionals to seize current and future opportunities in the media sector, CREA has developed the Digital Media Specialist programme with a Brevet Fédéral. This unique programme leads to a double diploma: the Brevet Fédéral de spécialiste en relations publiques and the CREA Digital Media Specialist diploma.

Developed by the CREA team and co-directed by Philippe Amez-Droz, an independent consultant and member of the Société Romande de Relations Publiques and vice-president of the Union suisse des attachés de presse, and Georges-André Tabet, a digital marketing strategist, the Digital Media Specialist diploma (Brevet Fédéral) aims to become a national benchmark for the application of corporate tools, media training and the creation and distribution of offline and online content.

Earn dual certification: the Brevet Fédéral de Spécialiste en Relations Publiques and the CREA Diploma in Digital Media Specialist.

A tailor-made course comprising 3 main modules, 1 of which is specifically designed to prepare each candidate for the written and oral federal exams, i.e. almost 440 hours of classroom lessons, rehearsals and corrected individual work. Personalised support will be provided to check the knowledge acquired by each candidate for the federal exams. The courses are designed to be compatible with a job. They take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and two Saturdays a month. The training, from October to September, includes two full weeks of rehearsals to prepare for the federal exams scheduled for October.

A federal diploma is a real added value in the eyes of recruiters.

Frederic Dumonal

Director of Continuing Education @CREA

The programme

preparation for the Federal Certificate as a Public Relations Specialist


Corporate communication

Media relations and media law

PR measures and resources

Offline and online writing and editing

Media & social media monitoring

Platform and community management

Amplification des contenus online

Influencing techniques

Media training


More details

the programme

On the one hand, the program covers the fundamentals of public relations from a practical, operational angle. In parallel, the program offers the best of CREA’s expertise in digital and creative issues: studio media training, storytelling, digital content creation (audio, text, photo and video), social network management, interview techniques, and many other skills.

Monday & Wednesday: 18H00 to 21H00
Saturday: 9H00 to 16H00

  • October 2024: Mon 07, Wed 09, Mon 28, Wed 30
  • November 2024: mon 04, mon 06, sa 09, mon 11, mon 13, sa 16, mon 18, mon 20, mon 25, mon 27, sa 30
  • December 2024: Mon 02, Mon 04, Mon 09, Mon 11, Sat 14, Mon 16, Mon 18
  • January 2025: mon 06, mon 08, sa 11, mon 13, mon 15, mon 20, mon 22, sa 25, mon 27, mon 29
  • February 2025: Mon 03, Mon 05, Sat 08, Mon 10, Mon 12, Mon 24, Mon 26
  • March 2025: mon 03, mon 05, sa 08, mon 10, mon 12, mon 17, mon 19, sa 22, mon 24, mon 26, mon 31
  • April 2025: Mon 02, Sat 05, Mon 07, Mon 09, Mon 28, Mon 30
  • May 2025: sa 03, mon 05, mon 07, mon 12, mon 14, sa 17, mon 19, mon 21, mon 26, mon 28
  • June 2025: Mon 02, Mon 04, Mon 11, Sat 14, Mon 16, Mon 18, Sat 21, Mon 23, Mon 25
  • July 2025: 1 week from Monday June 30 to Friday July 4 (9 a.m. to 4 p.m. face-to-face)
  • August 2025: 1 week from Monday August 18 to Friday August 22 (9am to 4pm face-to-face), Mon 25, Mon 27, Sat 30
  • September 2025: Mon 08, Mon 10, Sat 13, Mon 15, Mon 17, Mon 29
  • October 2025: Wed 01, Sat 04, Mon 06, Wed 08
  • November 2025: sa 01, mon 03, mon 05, mon 10, mon 12, sa 15, mon 17, mon 19, mon 24, mon 26, sa 29
  • December 2025: mon 01, mon 03, mon 08, mon 10, sa 13, mon 15, mon 17

Each program participant receives free 6-month access to the LEARNING7 e-learning platform and its “Marketing in a Digital World” program. In addition to reviewing the concepts covered in the courses, this self-paced training program leads to additional certification. This eLearning program, designed to boost your Digital Marketing skills, has been developed with Facebook, Google, Instagram and Youtube.

Since January 2018, people who have taken preparatory courses for federal exams can benefit from 50% financial support. Find out more here.

Information session


Communication Jobs

This course will enable you to acquire a high level of involvement, skills and responsibilities, in key positions in the world of communications.

  • Communication Manager
  • Advertising Manager
  • Brand Manager
  • Digital Project Manager
  • Community Manager
  • And more…

In a nutshell

Things to remember


months of training (2 evenings a week and 2 Saturdays a month)
On-the-job program
icône langage
Language: French
icone école
Campus : Lausanne
Dual certification (Fédéral + CREA)
50% federal subsidy on school fees
Information session


A school close to the market

Our motto is “learn from experience”. Knowledge comes from specialized experts. Our lecturers are professionals in their field, sharing their knowledge and tools with students so that they can learn from reality. The job market is changing fast, so it’s crucial that every student has the right background to enter the professional world.

How to join CREA

Admission requirements

  • Good interpersonal skills (social competence)
  • Writing skills in French (written and spoken)
  • Have attended an information or open door session, or have had a personal interview
  • Hold a CFC (Certificat fédéral de capacité), a maturité fédérale, a baccalauréat, a diploma from a business school, a school of general culture or equivalent
  • 2 years’ practical experience in marketing, sales, communications, advertising, public relations, direct marketing or promotion

If you have already attended the CREA program presentation, please

fill in the registration form.

Entrance exam

There is no entrance exam. Each application is evaluated individually by the course director, who reserves the right to accept or reject a candidate without justification.


Course price (for 15 months): CHF 13’500.-
Registration fee: CHF 200.00

  • The examination fee for the Brevet Fédéral of around CHF 1,690 is not included in the course fee.
  • CREA is at your disposal to discuss the financing of your training. A suitable payment plan can be arranged.

Note: Under certain conditions*, the Swiss Confederation grants a subsidy of up to 50% of the tuition fees to candidates taking the Brevet Fédéral exam. *Preparatory course participants must be domiciled in Switzerland at the time of the decision on passing the Brevet Fédéral exam. A person’s domicile is the place where he or she resides with the intention of settling permanently and where he or she has deposited his or her official documents (art. 23, CC). Participants’ nationality is irrelevant. Cross-border commuters and weekly residents domiciled abroad do not have their legal domicile in Switzerland, and are therefore not entitled to the federal subsidy.

Information session


Dive into CREA

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Interested in CREA?

CREA focuses its development on five areas: Creation, Marketing, Communication, Digital and Luxury. The school adapts to changes in the professional world, notably by anticipating digital transformations in marketing and communication. CREA favors experience-based learning, with experienced professional lecturers. Close to the market, the school ensures that the knowledge imparted is in line with current professional realities. It maintains a network of Swiss and international companies and experts to support students and prepare them effectively for the job market.