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Point Zéro, a tech podcast studio in Geneva!

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CREA - Point Zéro podcast à Genève

Point Zéro, what is it?

Point Zéro is the first tech podcast studio in Geneva, produced by CREA INSEEC U. school, the digital agency WOW, and WeCan Accelerate.

What is the goal of these podcasts? They highlight personalities and projects that boost Switzerland’s business ecosystem. As we already know, the digital transformation in the country is gaining importance, that is why Point Zéro wants to become THE news platform within this constantly evolving phenomenon.

The main topics we are dealing with :

  • New technologies
  • Blockchain
  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Innovation & creation

Join the adventure now!

Adrien Treccani explains his ambition to promote digital currencies and blockchain solutions within the financial industry.

Stream the épisode

CREA - Point Zéro podcast à Genève

How does it work?

Each personality is invited to the studio in order to discuss several topics. Later the podcast will be edited, and published on our Spotify and Apple channels. At Point Zéro’s, we believe the passion and enthusiasm of both all our guests and our team, make it possible to create these amazing engaging and fascinating stories.

Can I record my own content?

Yes you can! If you have an idea, a concept you’d like to record, our team is more than glad to have you in the studio and start working on it. You’ll have access to our studio, and our team of experts will assist if you need it to. In other words, come with your ideas, we’ll take care of the rest, until your podcast is published on your Spotify and Apple channels!

“Simplicity, interaction and sharing, are the very essence of Point Zéro!”

“It is the podcast that chooses its auditor!
Turn on your smartphone and stream us now!”

Spotify Apple

Point Zéro, Podcast à Genève

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Point Zéro, le studio de podcast à Genève orienté tech !

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Les cours en visio façon CREA!

CREA vous intéresse ?

CREA oriente son développement selon cinq axes : Création, Marketing, Communication, Digital et Luxe. L’école s’adapte aux évolutions du monde professionnel, notamment en anticipant les transformations digitales dans le marketing et la communication. CREA privilégie l’apprentissage basé sur l’expérience, avec des intervenants professionnels expérimentés. Proche du marché, l’école s’assure que les connaissances transmises soient en adéquation avec les réalités professionnelles actuelles. Elle maintient un réseau d’entreprises et d’experts suisses et internationaux pour accompagner les étudiants et les préparer efficacement au marché du travail.